Making train travel more enjoyable
Getting around by train is set to become a more pleasant experience, thanks to recent work to improve passenger comfort and satisfaction. We are working to make journeys better for everyone.
A perception that rail seats are not very comfortable deters some potential passengers so this is an important feature to improve. On the basis of extensive research on this topic, we have issued a new guidance note. This includes a uniform scoring system so that designers can create seats that meet high comfort standards. By improving seat comfort, passengers can expect more enjoyable journeys. It will reduce their fatigue and increase overall satisfaction with rail.
Keeping trains running: What to do when on-train cameras fail
On-train camera monitoring (OTCM) systems are crucial for the safe and efficient despatch of trains. However, there may be times when the OTCM system in a driver's cab is not working. To address this, guidance has been created to help train drivers understand the processes and standards they must follow in such situations. This ensures that trains can still be dispatched safely. It will minimise delays and ensure a smooth travel experience for passengers.
Quiet on the rails: Tackling train noise for a smoother ride
Unwanted noise is another issue that can deter passengers from rail. It can significantly impact the comfort of a journey. We carried out an investigation into noise levels in passenger carriages so that industry can understand the issue better. The findings confirmed target thresholds and specifications for new rolling stock. These will ensure that noise levels remain within acceptable limits. By keeping carriage noise under control, passengers can enjoy a quieter and more relaxing journey.
Making rail travel accessible for all
Rail is for everyone, and that means making sure that stations are as accessible as they can be. This includes those with disabilities or mobility challenges. To help accessibility upgrades, we’ve developed a new 'blended' approach to assess the impacts and value of such upgrades. This approach is the first step towards an Accessibility Benefits Framework which will help ensure that new accessibility schemes are effective and beneficial. With improved accessibility, more passengers will be able to travel comfortably and independently.
A new approach to station improvements
Passenger experiences of stations are another major contributor to perceptions of attractiveness. Industry has been making efforts to improve stations for passengers but without consistency across stations. This is confusing for passengers. Whether station improvements involve infrastructure, processes, or timetables, consistency helps. We carried out research to help the industry make more consistent decisions regarding these changes. A standardised approach to assess the impact of station changes makes it easier to improve overall performance and quality of stations. This leads to better facilities and services for passengers, contributing to a more comfortable and efficient travel experience.
Making rail journeys smoother
The projects described above are all aimed at enhancing the passenger experience and comfort on UK rail journeys. These efforts will not only improve satisfaction but also encourage more people to choose rail travel as a convenient and pleasant mode of transportation. Greater numbers of passengers will be good for all of us.

“Rail is for everyone...”

“...improving stations...without confusing for passengers”